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CDR Duplication
Bulk duplication of data, audio, video and other formats on CDRs
AtoZEZCD Packages
Quick and affordable! You supply files and master, we do the rest. Five packages to choose from.
CD Replication
Replication & silkscreening or offset printing on CDs, 1000 minimum
CD Packages
Complete packages ready for retail, 1000 minimum
DVD-R Duplication
Bulk duplication of data and video on DVD-Rs
AtoZEZDVD Packages
Quick and affordable! You supply files and master, we do the rest. Five packages to choose from.
DVD Replication
Replication and offset printing of DVDs, 1000 minimum
DVD Packages
Complete packages ready for retail, 1000 minimum
Cassette Duplication
Bulk cassette duplication and microcassette copies
Cassette Economy Packages
Cassette duplication with imprints or labels, and boxes
AtoZEZcassette Packages Hi quality music duplication with imprint, j-card and packaging
Mastering/Transfers Mastering, transferring, and forensic services for audio/video/data

updated: 11-26-2011
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