Time Transfers (stock# 90486)
Below is a pricing matrix for direct transfers between various media types.
The left column lists the medium FROM which the transfer is taking place
and the top row lists the mediums TO which we can transfer. Transfers
from/to for DVD are for DVD-Video only, NOT DVD-ROM. Please refer to
the Mastering Services page for
digital transfers such as CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. Transfers to CDR on this
page are for AUDIO ONLY. Please refer to
CD Mastering page for video and digital file transfers to CDR.
Black boxes under CDR: source to CD transfer (90487)
Black boxes (other): double time transfers
We CANNOT transfer the following formats unless you provide a suitable
playback device:
ADAT, DA88, Betacam, mini-cassettes
(as opposed to micro-cassettes), reel tape
that is more than 1/2 and/or faster than 15ips and/or multitrack.
There is a $5.00 minimum on transfers, except to CDR and DVDR which
are $10.00.
There will also be a charge for blank media in addition to these charges.